Sunday, October 4, 2009

Looks like the email entry works

Looks like the email entry works... too bad from my hotmail account it throws in the footer at the end. Apparently i'm pimping singles in my area...nice!

Today has been spent going through past exams. I love the exam format, choose 4 our of 11 possible questions. It means i can focus on areas i am passionate about , rather than flunking out because i blanked out a subject area.  Found myself alittle angry today whilst reading a quote from bill gates 'the speed of thought'. Apparently 'most organisations do not have enough data to understand key aspects of their business well enough'. The way i read that statement is that billy boy is really selling copies of sql server than anything else? You need to store more data, buy SQL server and a whole heap more servers. Business don't need more data, they are knee deep in it. What they need is more focused information. No software is going to help that. Maybe Ackoff, Kaplan and Norton should have a chat with him. 

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