Saturday, October 3, 2009

God bless the techos.

Wow I have forgotten how finicky programming can be. Okay maybe hacking up some SQL and MDX isn't a true programming adventure but its enough for a a humble BA who rarely touches anything remotely technical with a ten foot clown pole. I have rediscovered the need for establishing standardized naming conventions, generic structures and clear designs like all that usefully stuff . I think I forgot about those with all that useless stuff I learnt at uni I guess that is the problem with prototypes. Everything is build in an adhoc fashion. Can we twist this graph this way ? Can we slice this report by this instead of that ? Can we merge these two reports into one ? This organic approach to developing BI systems can breed ideal solutions but not elegant technical ones. With the assignment potentially being marked for the technical elegance. I guess I'll go back at some point and re-invent my wheel.

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